Document manager handling for users in dbi database
This module users dbi drivers for php which are available
at http://freshmeat.net/projects/php-dbi/
or http://pil.dk/downloads/
arguments in docman.conf file are:
$dbi = "driver:database_name:user:password";
$dbi_sql = "select login,full_name,password,email from users";
driver can be: pgsql, mysql, oracle or odbc (as supported by php-dbi)
SQL query must return login, password full_name and e-mail
This file is included early in docman.php and it should return:
$gblUserName descriptive username
$secHash md5 hash of joint login and password
$gblEmail e-mail address of user
// split configuration var $dbi
// 0:driver, 1:db, 2:user, 3:password
if (file_exists($dbi_class)) {
} else {
Error("Configuration error","Can't find dbi classes $dbi_class needed for htusers_sql. Please download them from http://pil.dk/downloads/");
$pgdbi=new DBI($dbi_arr[1], $dbi_arr[2], $dbi_arr[3]);
while ($row=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
if ($row[0] == $GLOBALS["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) {
if (substr($secHash,0,5) == "auth_" && file_exists("$gblIncDir/$secHash.php")) {
if ($secHash($row)) {
} else {
continue ;