Here is a list of document that administrators might find useful when dealing with docman. They are ordered by importance, so be sure to read them.
There are two types of errors in document manager:
Starting with version 2.0 docman doesn't need register_globals in php.ini. That means that docman knows which variables should be result of POST and what of GET which makes inserting bogus URL harder.
By default, docman will report administrative error on unknown file types (like pipes, block and character files). You can change this behavior to ignoring those files by setting $gblIgnoreUnknownFileType = 0 in realm/http_virtual_host.conf
If you set options $gblForceDownload= 1 in realm/http_virtual_host.conf it will force download (and save to disk) if user wants to view file (just clicks on filename). Checkout will always force download.
If you don't have ability to use http_virtual_host names for each docman installation, you can use path before docman.php as a identifier for a realm. To enable this, you will have to create directory named as same as virtual host, all directories wish exist before your docman.php and then conf, htusers and optionally trustee and files.
e.g.: if your host is called dreamhouse.lan and you want to have repositories on URL http://dreamhouse.lan/project/ and http://dreamhouse.lan/documentation/ you will have to create following files: (those marked with asterisk * are optional)
realm/dreamhouse.lan/project/trustee (optional)
realm/dreamhouse.lan/project/ (optional)
realm/dreamhouse.lan/documentation/trustee (optional)
realm/dreamhouse.lan/documentation/ (optional)
If you followed installation instructions and you want now to install docman to your host in directory projects which will be on disk at /home/httpd/htdocs/project/ and served via URL you have to do few more steps:
$ cd /home/httpd/docman2/realm/ $ mkdir $ mkdir $ mv http_virtual_host.htusers $ mv http_virtual_host.conf's it. You are ready to go...
There are special files, called files with informations which are local to that repository. Usually they are located in repository/ file. However, you can also use realm/http_host/script_path/ file is you are using script path as realm identifier.
For preatty good overview of configuration options, please examine localhost.conf.dist.