SWISH::Split - Perl interface to split index variant of Swish-e


  use SWISH::Split;


This is alternative interface for indexing data with swish-e. It's designed to split indexes over multiple files (slices) to allow updates of records in index by reindexing just changed parts (slice).

Data is stored in index using intrface which is somewhat similar to the Plucene::Simple manpage. This could make your migration (or supporting two index engines) easier.

In the background, it will fork swish-e binaries (one for each index slice) and produce UTF-8 encoded XML files for it. So, if your input charset isn't ISO-8859-1 you will have to specify it.

Methods used for indexing


Create new object for index.

  my $i = SWISH::Split->open_index({
        index => '/path/to/index',
        slice_name => \&slice_on_path,
        slices => 30,
        merge => 0,
        codepage => 'ISO-8859-2',
        swish_config => qq{
                PropertyNames from date
                PropertyNamesDate date
        memoize_to_xml => 0,
  # split index on first component of path
  sub slice_on_path {
        return shift split(/\//,$_[0]);

Options to open_index are following:

path to (existing) directory in which index slices will be created.

coderef to function which provide slicing from path.

maximum number of index slices. See in_slice for more explanation.

(planned) option to merge indexes into one at end.

data codepage (needed for conversion to UTF-8). By default, it's ISO-8859-1.

additional parametars which will be inserted into swish-e configuration file. See swish-config.

speed up repeatable data, see to_xml.


Add document to index.

  $i->add($swishpath, {
        headline => 'foobar result',
        property => 'data',


Delete documents from index.



Finish indexing and close index file(s).


This is most time-consuming operation. When it's called, it will re-index all entries which haven't changed in all slices.

Returns number of slices updated.

This method should really be called close or finish, but both of those are allready used.

Reporting methods

This methods return statistics about your index.


Return array of swishpaths in index.

  my @p = $i->swishpaths;


Return array with updated swishpaths.

  my @d = $i->swishpaths_updated;


Return array with deleted swishpaths.

  my $n = $i->swishpaths_deleted;


Return array with all slice names.

  my @s = $i->slices;

Helper methods

This methods are used internally, but they might be useful.


Takes path and return slice in which this path belongs.

  my $s = $i->in_slice('path/to/document/in/index');

If there are slices parametar to open_index it will use MD5 hash to spread documents across slices. That will produce random distribution of your documents in slices, which might or might not be best for your data. If you have to re-index large number of slices on each run, think about creating your own slice function and distributing documents manually across slices.

Slice number must always be true value or various sanity checks will fail.

This function is Memoizeed for performance reasons.


Return array of swishpaths for given swish-e query.

  my @p = $i->find_paths("headline=test*");

Useful for combining with delete_documents to delete documents which hasn't changed a while (so, expired).


Create swish-e configuration file for given slice.

  my $config_filename = $i->make_config('slice name');

It returns configuration filename. If no swish_config was defined in open_index, default swish-e configuration will be used. It will index all data for searching, but none for properties.

If you want to see what is allready defined for swish-e in configuration take a look at source code for DEFAULT_SWISH_CONF.

It uses stdin as IndexDir to comunicate with swish-e.


On first run, starts swish-e. On subsequent calls just return it's handles using Memoize.

  my $s = create_slice('/path/to/document');

You shouldn't need to call create_slice directly because it will be called from put_slice when needed.


Pass XML data to swish.

  my $slice = $i->put_slice('/swish/path', '<xml>data</xml>');

Returns slice in which XML ended up.


Prints to STDERR output and errors from swish-e.

  my $slice = $i->slice_output($s);

Normally, you don't need to call it.

This is dummy placeholder function for very old code that assumes this module is using IPC::Run which it isn't any more.


Close slice (terminates swish-e process for that slice).

  my $i->close_slice($s);

Returns true if slice is closed, false otherwise.


Convert (binary safe, I hope) your data into XML for swish-e. Data will not yet be recoded to UTF-8. put_slice will do that.

  my $xml = $i->to_xml({ foo => 'bar' });

This function is extracted from add method so that you can Memoize it. If your data set has a lot of repeatable data, and memory is not a problem, you can add memoize_to_xml option to open_index.


Searching is still conducted using the SWISH::API manpage, but you have to glob index names.

    use SWISH::API;
    my $swish = SWISH::API->new( glob('index.swish-e/*') );

You can also alternativly create merged index (using merge option) and not change your source code at all.

That would also benefit performance, but it increases indexing time because merged indexes must be re-created on each indexing run.


Nothing by default.


Test script for this module uses all parts of API. It's also nice example how to use SWISH::Split.


the SWISH::API manpage,


Dobrica Pavlinusic, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Dobrica Pavlinusic

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.