Document Manager Instructions
What are the key features of the Document Manager?
- Sharing of documents using a WWW interface
- Tracking of changes to documents
- Security (using encryption while contacting the web server and by
using user identification)
The Screen is visually divided in four parts:
- The display of directories
Which are listed under DIRECTORY NAME in alphabetical order
- The display of documents on the server
Which are also listed alphabetically
- A short instructions about check-in/check-out procedures
- The grey area which can be used to create new directories
or an empty file, or to upload a document from a PC to the
Basic Operations
Sending and Retrieving of a Document to the Server
This can be done by choosing the UPLOAD link on the bottom area.
A document can be retrieved for viewing by by clicking on the filename.
- Send a document to the server
Click on the UPLOAD link to get to a screen which is used
to upload documents to the server.
Here, press the BROWSE button and select a file by using the
file requestor which will be displayed on the screen. After that
press the UPLOAD button and you will be returned to the
previous screen. Now, it will also display the newly uploaded file.
If you wish to abort the uploading of a file to the server choose
the CANCEL button.
- Retrieve a document from the server
Simply click on the filename. The document will be downloaded to your
local disk or opened in the appropriate application. Please
note, that after changing the document it WILL NOT be
updated on the server automatically.
- Updating a document on the server
To update a document on the server (and enable other users to see
changes in the document) you will have to:
- Save the document locally to disk (i.e.. check-out the
document from the server) -- This is achieved by clicking
on the check-out icon which is right from the filename)
- Once you check-outed the document, the icon will change to
a 'finger' to warn you that you have to return a new copy
of that document to the server.
- Edit the document locally on your computer and save it to
the local disk.
- Send the document to the server again (by clicking on the
filename or the icon on the right side of the filename).
You can also upload a document under a different name if you want
to keep an old copy for some reasons. However, for evaluating
document, the system will keep last five copies of the documents
- Adding a note to a document
By clicking on the 'note' icon you can add a note to the document
which will describe it better than just filename alone.
Additional Functions
Detailed informations about and additional operations for a document
can be shown by clicking on the 'note' icon which is displayed left
from the filename:
- Filename
Display of the filename of the document.
- File size
Display of the file size of the document
- Date and time
Display of the last modification of and access the document.
- Content of the document (which can be edited)
This is only available if the document type is plain text. If the
document is, for example, a MS-Word Document or some other binary
format you will have to edit it on your local computer and upload
the changed document back to the server.
If the document is a picture, if will be shown.
- Removing a lock on a document
This option is a fail-safe only. It's not planned that users will
remove locks manually. Locks are used when one user check-out a
document to edit it. Other users can't view or edit the same document
until that user returns an updated copy (check-in) to the server.
However, it's possible that some users will check-out a document
by mistake (instead of just viewing it), so this option can be used
to unlock the document again.
- Deleting of a document
This operation must be double-checked by checking the check-box
located left from the button DELETE and then pressing the
DELETE button.
- Renaming of a document
This is done by changing the name, checking the check-box and pressing
of the RENAME button.
- Display of changes to the document
These include the date, time and user who made the changes.
For the last five uploads, you will also be able to retrieve the
old versions of documents from this list.