Problems for ICs


intergroup conflict - trolling

trolling - insiders taunt neophytes who try to break into the group, and thereby increase their own cohesiveness and separatness from the annoying intruders.

To say it in simple words: people with vast amount of knowledge don't like to be bothered by newbies, so they intentionaly throw in some false statement to check knowledge of unknown newbie. He, of course, tries to be helpfull and notice mistake which leads to reply: YHBT. Then, newbie is ignored.

YHBT You have been trolled

Most well-known ingroups:

  • hackers - your primary goal must be to learn for the sake of learning
  • lusers - users who are also losers
  • wannabees - those who call themselves hackers but can't hack

pg. 101,102,105

We should expect trolling in our community and prepare for it.